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20 April 2011

Deep Thinking

An old man newly widowed wives lived together with his son, Arwan and daughters,
Rina, and his grandson, the six years old Viva. State of the old man ... the elderly,
his fingers trembled and his eyes constantly increasingly opaque.

The first night her son moved into the house, they had dinner together.
The old man felt less comfortable to enjoy a meal on the table.
He felt very awkward to use spoon and fork. Because, He is usually fond of cross-legged,
but at his son's home, he had no choice.
It's difficult enough to feel that cause him often spilled the food.
Actually he was embarrassed like that in front of the child in-law, but
he failed to restrain him. Therefore, once ogled frequently in-law, the taste is
missing. And when he's holding a drink cup, the handle apart.
Praaaaaannnnngggggg! the glass scattered and splintered on the floor.

The Old man was awry. He got up, tried to pick up the pieces of glasses, but Arwan forbade.
Rina scowled, his face sour. Viva feel sorry to see her grandfather, but he can only see and
continue eating.

"Tomorrow's father must not eat with us,"
Viva heard her mother say to her grandfather, when his grandfather went
into the room. Arwan only silence. Had the little boy
peering into the eyes of his father.

In order to meet the demands Rina, Arwan bought a small low table, and then placed
at the corner of the dining room. That's where his father enjoy a meal alone,
while child-law to eat at the dinner table. Viva is also prohibited
when he whines like eating with his grandfather.

Tear melt the old man remembers his fate to be treated that way. When it
she remembered the abandoned home. He remembered the late
wife. Then he slowly whispered: "Miah ... How bad
Our child care on me. "

Since then, the old man did'nt feel at home there. Every day he was snarled at because
he spilled food. He was treated like a slave. Once he
thought to flee from there, but once she remembered her granddaughter, she
any restraint. He did not want to hurt her granddaughter.
so he let himself restraint of children abused and humiliated in-law.

One night, Viva surprised to see her grandfather eat using plates of wood, as well as
drinks made from bamboo. He tried to remember, in
Where he's never seen a plate like that. "Oh! Yes ..." he whispered.
Viva remembered, during a visit to a friend's house he saw his father
host feed their cats using the same plate!

"There will be no more broken, if not so, I'll run out plates and bowls mother," said Rina when his son asked.
Left passed. Although food strewn all meals, no longer a plate or glass is broken. If Viva views
grandfather who was bribing the food, both of them just unrequited smile.

A week later, when returned to work, and Arwan
Rina is surprised to see their children are playing with
pieces of wood. Viva like making something. There is a hammer,
saws and knives at his side. "What do you make, love? Dangerous
to play things like this, "said Arwan reprimand spoiled child. He
little wonder how the child can remove the equipment,
when he put it in the warehouse.

"i want to make a plate, bowls and cups for my father and mother.
When Viva grow up, so that no difficult to find, do not get into the market to buy a plate like Grandpa, "
Viva said.

Upon hearing his answer, Arwan surprised.
Rina feeling disturbed. Both eyelids wet. Viva Answer
stab whole heart, feels like a knife sliced. They gasped,
so far they have done wrong!

That night led Arwan, his father's hand to the table. Rina spooning rice and pour
drink into the glass. The rice is spilled was ignored again. Viva
several times looked at her mother, then father and the last face
grandfather. He did not ask, just smile, happy to sit
side by side again with his grandfather at the dinner table. The old man also
do not know why child-law suddenly changed.

"Tomorrow Viva want to throw plates and glass timber bamboo "Viva word to his father
after supper. Arwan just nodded, but his chest still

1. Be a well, serve them in a way that good also, i.e. in
speak, do, give something, ask something or prohibit
parents do a certain thing.

2. Do not disclose disappointment or resentment, if only just by saying 'uh'.
Instead, be humble, and do not be arrogant.

3.Do not speak louder than their voices, do not break their conversation,
do not lie when give argument to them, do not be too surprised them in his sleep, in addition to
it, do not ever underestimate them.

4. Thank or give thanks to both of them, prioritizing the pleasure of both,
pleasure than our own self, wife or pleasure our children.

5. Do good deeds for them, precedence in their interests and try to 'force myself' to
seeking the pleasure of them.

6. Take care of them when old, behave gently and set about making them happy,
keep them from bad things, and presenting things they like.

7. Give a living for them, if indeed required. He said: "And if you guys spend their treasure,
who most deserve it are the parents, and close relatives
The closest "(Al-Baqarah: 215)

8. Ask permission to both, if you want to travel, including to perform the Hajj,
if not obligatory pilgrimage, as well as for jihad, when rolling on

9. Pray for them, as mentioned in the Qur'an: وقل رب ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا

"And say, "O my Lord.., give affection to both of them,
as loved in childhood "(Al-Isra: 24) [8]

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